Once upon a time, a boy was born in The Land.  An unexpected author, David Gollinger works as an accountant by day and has always been more familiar with numbers than letters. That changed in 2017 after his daughter Ava was born when she received a New York City counting book from family friends. At the time David thought "how nice of them, but it would be better if it was a Cleveland counting book". After an exhaustive search turned up no results, David decided to make a Cleveland counting book himself. And with that, CLE Kids Books was born. 

At CLE Kids Books, David is the author, designer, publisher, marketer, seller, shipper, web developer, and, of course, accountant.  Luckily, David is not the illustrator. 

First published in September 2022, 123 CLE: The Best Counting Book In The Land was illustrated by David's niece Greta who was 9 years old at the time of illustrations. When not attending school or drawing pictures, Greta spends her time at Irish dance competitions. 

At CLE Kids Books, the utmost care is taken to produce the very best books tailored for the children of Cleveland.  123 CLE was printed by Pint Size Productions, the only board book printer in the United States, to ensure the highest quality. 

Be sure to sign up for our website mailing list (we'll only email you when we have big announcements).  Please follow CLE Kids Books on Facebook and Instagram @CLEKidsBooks so that you know about future titles including the in-progress ABC Around CLE: The Best Tour Of The Land And Letters.  

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